Tuesday, September 11, 2007

One of my favorite books of all time!!


Valerie W. said...

Why is this your favorite? Do you see a connection with the types of questions we ask in class? (I've certainly heard critical reads of the text.)

I'm glad you are using this space to share books!

Tara said...

I'm not quite sure why it's my favorite; it always has been since I've been very young.

The pictures aren't extravagent yet they don't need to be. Shel Silverstein is one of my favorite poets, he doesn't have to use "flowery" language to get his messages across,this is why his books are great for kids.

On the other hand....

I have also heard a critical read of the book and it was something I had never thought of. It was about the book promoting male dominance (especially the whole ending scene where the old man is sitting atop of the chopped down giving tree). So i'm really not sure what to think about that!! I'm not sure if this is one of the critical reads that you have heard for this book...but I guess it's something to think about!